Overage Policy

Material Overage Handling Policy
Version 1.0 October 2014

At directworx we recognize the importance of providing an efficient and safe working environment and trust that our clients recognize this and the reality that “space is money”.  Our sustained growth over the last 18 years has resulted in a need to make best use of every square foot of space in our facility so we may continue to provide cost-effective and quality services.

Prior Arrangements

Whenever possible the Project Manager will make arrangements to handle leftover materials prior to work being commenced.  Options include recycle, customer pick up, delivery to client (chargeable if by our truck), hold for future job (2-week max), long term storage (chargeable).

Reminder Email

A reminder email will be sent upon completion of the work.  Failure to respond within 2 weeks will be considered an instruction to automatically recycling the materials

No Show

If a client does not follow through with a promise to pick up the materials within 2 weeks the materials will be automatically recycled with 1 business day notice

Exempt Materials

Certain projects spanning weeks or months utilizing standardized stocks will be identified and  may be exempt from elements of this policy. Please contact your Project Manager if you feel this applies to the work we do for you

Long Term Storage

For non-exempt materials that are approved for storage beyond 2 weeks charges will apply and be billed monthly. At the time of writing the minimum charge is $50 per month per a minimum of 1 skid. Each additional skid or portion thereof will incur and additional $50 monthly storage charge.
